

Homemaker's Month of How To's

It's February!

Christmas is over.

Summer is far away.

And love is in the air!

And that means...It's crafty time over here at Intentionally Living!

I wanted to kick of this season with a whole month of homemaking tutorials, tips, and fun ideas.

So the month of February will be the
Homemaker's Month of How To's

So what's in store for this homemakers month?

Week #1: Tutorials and free downloads for a Homemaker's Helpful Handbook

Week #2: Cooking Tips and Tricks

Week #3: Crafting Tutorials-From Sewing to Home Decor and more!

Week #4: All about Money! Ways to make some extra money online and great tips on how to save it!

So check back tomorrow for the first Homemakers Helpful Handbook tutorial and later this week some fee downloads to fill up your handbook.

I'm really looking forward to a great month of homemaking and fun :)


  1. Oooh, I'm so excited to read all of your posts this month!

  2. Super excited to read these posts!!!! :D Happy Tuesday!

  3. I just found your blog and I'm very excited to read your posts!

  4. This sounds fun! Can't wait to read your posts!


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