

Homemaker's Handbook Day #1:Making It

Welcome to the first day of the 
Homemaker's Month of Helpful How To's

The first week will be devoted to making a Homemaker's Helpful Handbook

Have you noticed that we are all becoming busier and busier. We are trying to jam pack more things into each hour and day. So an answer to this problem that many are facing, women all over are making their own homemaker's handbooks to help manage their days. 

This is my version. I call it the Homemaker's Helpful Handbook
I'll explain more later about what is in my handbook but to begin with lets cover how I made it. 

Many of the handbooks out there are a single three ring binder with maybe a printed front. 
I know that this works well for many women since this whole handbook is supposed to simplify our lives not complicate it further. 
This was my first attempt at a binder....

But I just work so much better when my things are organized and pretty! 

So if you would to just have a simple handbook then you can just come back tomorrow for some ideas to put into your handbook and some free downloads :)

So the first thing I had to consider when making this handbook is that while I wanted to use some pretty scrapbook paper and fun flowers, I still wanted it to function as a working binder. It needed to be waterproof but pretty! 

1) My kitchen is red and black. So I started there. I found a plain old red three ring binder. 
The next step was a little time consuming but totally worth it. Because the clear plastic is on the outside and attached at the middle portion I decided to cut out the red plastic and just leave the plastic outside. 

I started with a seam and gently began to remove the red plastic without severing the clear plastic from the middle ring section. I was then left with clear plastic attached in the middle and two card board pieces. 

This is what I threw out:
And this is know what I am left with to work with

2) Next I set to work decorating the two sides of the cardboard. 
I decided to put Joshua 24:15 on the front in Hebrew. It turned out so beautiful. 

And on the back I put the same verse in English. 
{Sorry for the glare! The plastic was already on it when I took the pic}

3) I decorate the inside! I wanted this to really be something great and heartwarming to look at each time I opened it up. 

4) This part was the trickiest. Now it's time to put it all together. 
Take the front cover and line the edge with super glue then fit it in. The super glue has the best grip for it and comes off clear. After it dries the binder will be very stiff. Just gradually try and lay it flat. Add a little more glue if needed but after a little maneuvering it should lie flat. 
5) The final step in putting all together was making the dividers. I found some heavy scrapbook paper, cut it to shape and three hole punched it. 

Then I took more paper and labeled my sections. And just to make sure that it is waterproof and family proof  I took some bits of laminating paper and put them over the labels to make them extra strong!

And that is my version of the Homemaker's Handbook!
I am so happy with how it turned out! And if you have attempted a homemaker's handbook (Or whatever you call it) I would love to see it! I'm always looking for new inspiration.

Come back tomorrow {And for the rest of the week} for some fun ideas of what to put in your new handbook. I will even have some great downloads for you to fill up your pretty new binder. 

Happy Homemaking Month!


  1. What a wonderful, and fun idea!!! I need to make one. I just use a regular 'ol planner. I love the front, and inside pretty, and precoius. :)

  2. That is so cute!! I used to have a handbook like this, but have since stopped using it. It got to the point where mine was more of a hassle than a help, but that's probably because I was making it more complicated than it had to be. Ha! I'll have to take it out again and give it another try :-)

  3. It's my first time visting.. I love your blog and I love you Homemade handbook.. I will have to try and make one of these for when we get married next month.. Thanks for the idea.

  4. I have missed reading your blog lately Mrs Balmet! I absolutely love this topic and your binder :)

    Congrats on getting the etsy shop up and running, it is full of cute cute girly goodies. LOVE IT! :)

  5. Cute. I can't wait to see how this shapes up.

  6. I'm sharing your homemaking tips over at I look foreward to reading them all.


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