

Welcome Friday Follow Friends!

It's Friday! The best day of the week ;) And wow am I ready to the weekend!!! This week has been crazy busy but very exciting :D To read more about our exciting week check out yesterday's post.

Friday FollowSo Welcome Friday Follow Friends! I'm glad you have stopped by and I'm excited to get to know you!!

Okay while I of course LOVE getting new followers I also love having followers who actually like my blog and want to read it..I know call me crazy!! ;)
So take a minute to get to know me and if you like what you see then great! Nice to meet you :D If you don't like me...hehe no harm done!

Read my About Me page HERE.
Read about my 2010 Word of the Year  HERE.

Friday Follow is a great way to make some new friends!! Click on the picture to go to Friday Follow's homepage!


  1. Love your blog! Keep up the great work. I'm new to blogging so if you have a moment to stop by, I would love your feedback!

    Happy Friday!
    ~ ~

  2. Thank you for the Friday Follow! I'm following you back now!

    Micael :D

  3. i'm friday following you back! : ) you are adorable. so is your blog! i'm from cali so it does my heart good meeting fellow ca gals! i can't wait to follow your journey. have a happy weekend!

  4. Hi there! I am following you back. Your blog is so adorable! I can't wait to explore it more and read your posts. Very nice to meet you. :)

  5. Happy Friday follow! I look forward to getting to know more about you. I love the sidebar pic of you at your wedding, gorgeous!

  6. I am here to return your friday follow - thanks for stopping by!

  7. I didn't find you through friday follow, but I love your blog! And I am following now!

  8. Hi! I'm visiting and following from Friday Follow! I love your blog. It's so great that your husband got a new job. Congratulations!

  9. Thanks for stopping by and following my blog. I am now following you back! Happy FF

  10. Hey, thanks for stopping by my page! I read both of the links you provided with this post, and it's great to get to know you! I love hearing from fellow Christian newlyweds :-)

  11. following back from FF! Thanks for stopping my way!

  12. Stopping by from Friday Follow (on a Saturday Morning!) I LOVE your blog title! I can't wait to roam around and read more of your posts!

    I'm your newest follower - hope you stop by my blog and follow back! :) Have a great weekend!


  13. Thanks so much for visiting and for taking the time to leave a comment :) Much appreciated! I hope to get to know you more too! Following you back :)

  14. Following from Friday Follow! :) (hey... better late than never right?)


Thanks for visiting my blog! If this is your first time here then let me know! I love comments and I always love hearing from my readers. If you would like to contact me via email my email is jamibalmet(at)hotmail(.)com.