

Weekend Update

Wow this weekend has been busy and it's only Saturday!

My Hubby has been away at The Shephard's Conference all week at Grace Community Church. He went with hid Dad, brother and a couple thousand other men. He had a fantastic time but I was missing him!

I got the oppurtunity though to spend half the day with them yesterday. I was able to get off work early and I went up to the conference  at lunch time.I got to hear two of the sessions yesterday. One of by Steve Lawson on the book of Job and the other was by John MacArthur and was the closing session of the conference.

It was so much fun to catch a little glimpse of what my hubby and father and brother in law were doing this week. They had a great time being renewed in thier faith and learning from some amazing men!

At the conference they got 24 books plus a $50 giftcard to the conference bookstore. AND in the conference bookstore all the books were majorly discounted. Soooo we came home with a TON of books!! We came home with 35 books! Yay! I can't wait to start reading.

Some of the books we got that I really  wanna start reading are:

Word Filled Families by John Barnett
The Big Three: Major Events that Changed History Forever by Henry Morris III
A House Divided: Elijah and the Kings of Israel by MacArthur
Prophets, Priests, and Kings: The Lives of Samuel and Sual by MacArthur
The Restoration of the Sinner: David's Heart Revealed by MacArthur
Discipline's of a Godly Woman by Barbara Hughes
Discipline's of a Godly Man by R. Kent Hughes
Strengening your Marriage by Wayne Mack
Right Thinking in a World Gone Wrong by MacArthur
Coming to Grips with Genesis by Terry Mortenson
Radical Womanhood: Feminine Faith in a Feminist World by Carolyn McCulley
Women's Ministry in the Local Church by J. Ligon Duncan and Susan Hunt
Twelve Extraordinary Women by MacArthur
Twelve Ordinary Men by MacArthur

Wow!! 35 new books! All I want to do is start reading them! But alas...there is no time for that now. Anyway we had a great time this weekend and loved getting some time with my father and brother in law.

Also, because it is a men's conference they have a bunch of jewelery at reallly good prices. So yesterday we went in the bookstore that and I was looking at the necklaces and found one that I fell in love with!! I was teasing my husband that he better have gotten me one! I didn't really think he had gotten me any of them because they were really nice and we are trying to save money.

Soooo tonight my super sweet hubby suprised me with a a little present!!! Aaw how cute! Wanna hear the cute part? It was the very same necklace that I had picked out the night before. And he baught it before I had ever lain eyes on! Wow does my hubby know me or what?!?!

Look how pretty: It says in Hebrew, "I am my beloved's and my beloved's is mine" Song of Solomon 2:8.
I really love it and it is special because I am learning Hebrew right now. I can actually read what it says!!!
This picture does not do it justice:
Weekend-March 6, 2010

The boys at the conference:
The boys-March 6, 2010


  1. Hi Jami, I'm a new blogger who has been blessed to find this community of other sweet Christian blogging ladies, and I'm excited to connect with you! I'm not out fishing for followers, just looking for ladies who would really like to become friends. I also enjoy history crafts (too many to count!) and reading - thought we might enjoy getting to know each other if you're interested! You can read more about me at my blog: Windy Poplars. - Hope you're enjoying your Sunday! ~Kristin

  2. Hi Jami! So good to hear back from you.~ Would you like to communicate via comments, do you have Facebook, or other preference? I hope you had a great Sabbath day! Ours was full with church responsibilities, so a well deserved break is welcome right now (chillin' on the couch)! You said in your profile that you enjoy crafts...what kind are you into at the moment? - Just wanted to drop you a quick note and thank you for responding to mine! Have a good evening, ~Kristin

  3. Jamie,
    That sounds like it was a fantastic conference. We are big John MacArthur fans. We have grown so much in our Christian lives through his teaching. Did you know that you can download ALL John MacArthur sermons and series on MP3 from his website? ( You can also read all his messages, and print them out! I know, it's incredible.
    You got some great books! And a wonderful present from your wonderful husband. That was very thoughtful of him:)

  4. I'm sorry, Jami! I keep putting an "e" in there:( So sorry!

  5. Haha that's okay! I get it allll the time ;)

  6. Yeah we have grown so much to! We love him!! And yes I did know you could download ALL his stuff!!! It's fantastic! I am frequently on gty finding resources haha.
    Ansd I know, my Hubby is so good to me :D

    Thanks for Stopping by Wendy!


  7. Jami,

    That sounds like a sweet weekend! There are about 3 different conferences that I would like to go to in the next few months. Its hard to choose because they are all so good and powerful... but all cost some sort of money to get there. We will see. You seem to have a great selection of books there. Some sound pretty interesting, I may just look into them myself. When I finish the 3 other books I'm on the go with. I just have trouble getting through one... :)

    All the Best


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