

The Simple Woman's Daybook #9

It's monday and that means The Simple Woman's Daybook! I love this Meme so much because I love reading other people's daybooks. It's so fun to see what people are up to, what their thinking, and what they are reading. It let's me glimpse a little into their lives and to get to know the bloggers who I've never really met better! If you want to join in head over HERE. We would love to have you :D

FOR TODAY... from Jami's Daybook...January 25, 2010

Outside my window...Sunny and warm after that crazy weather last week :D

I am thinking...of my littlest brother Jacob who is officially a teenager today!! Yikes!! Happy Birthday little brother!!

I am thankful for... My husband's cuddles this morning :)

I am wearing...Red polka dot shoes, jeans, red and white polka dot shirt, and white jacket. I look like Minnie mouse ;)

I am remembering...All the fun times I have had with my Baby Brother :D (Who I'm sure would like me to NOT a baby anymore ;) hehehe)

I am shopping tomorrow night...hehe, I know, I lead a VERY exciting life!!

I am currently reading...Well ALL my class books of course, which include some GREAT books.
And my hubby and I are currently reading Desiring God by John Piper (Which is an excellent book to read of course by yourself but the Hubby and I have really been enjoying it together. It really puts you in your place about you focus on Worship and our joy we find in Christ. I *highly* recommend it!) and I am currently, of course, behind on my 90 day reading challenge and am currently about halfway through the book of Exodus.

I am hoping... to finaaaaaaally finish my new blog design this week!

On my mind...brainstorming for my new blog design...hehe. Can anyone say ONE track mind!

Noticing that...running really does help my overall health and well being...too bad I LOATH it..

Pondering these words..."The chief end of God is to glorify God and enjoy himself forever". Desiring God by John Piper.

From the kitchen...Still trying to figure that out. I'm behind on my planning :( I gotta crack open my cookbook1

Around the house...My husband is at home right now *hopefully* doing the dishes! :) What a great man!!!

One of my favorite things..Coffee!!!! I know, I know..this is usually my answer..but I just LOVE it sooo much!! hehe

From my picture journal...Here's a sneak peak of what my new blog design maaay look like. I don't love it yet so I'm sure the final product will look much different...but here's a peak and I promise a new design is coming soon...I know that I need to get the Christmas background OFF!! It's driving me nuts...soon..hopefully this weekend!!


  1. Thanks for stopping by my daybook! What a sweet comment! :-) It's my brother's birthday today too... except he's 31, not 13! I love the design idea! Have a great week!

  2. Haha what a coincidence! And thank you :D Have a great week too!!

  3. I enjoyed reading your daybook!
    I hope you have had a lovely week.
    Thank you for visiting me and for your kind comment.

    ~ Christina


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