

Apron Giveway!!

I am so excited about this giveaway that I just had to share!!

Like a Warm Cup of Coffee is hosting it so to join in head over there! Sarah Mae is wonderful and asked to do this giveaway. Head over there and check out her post and then head to Flirty Aprons to check out their super cute aprons!!!
These aprons are super cute and will look great while you cook away in the kitchen for your man ;). Seriously, I love these things! I have always loved cute aprons but they are always so pricey! These are a fantastic price and I'm sure your husband will love it too ;)

Do you want a taste of what they have? Here's a few of my favorite....

This one if my FAVORITE! I don't know why but I Love love love the red and black. and it would match my kitchen!

As you probably know, I'm a sucker for anything pink! This pink and black pattern is simply adorable!!

This is probably my next favorite...I LOVE the cupcake theme!!!! SUPER cute!!!

So head over there and check them out, pick your favorite, and enter to win!!!!!! Good luck!


  1. :D congrats on winning! Are you going to pick the red one?

  2. Thank you :D I'm so excited! And actually I think I'll pick the pink one...It's been growing on me...hehe


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