

Christmas Fever!

I am so ready for the Holidays! I don’t know what it is about this year, but I’m ready! Normally at this time I make fun of the fact that Costco has had Christmas decorations in for a month and a half already! But this year I find myself already wanting to buy them and put them up in my house :D. I’m sure it partly has to do with the fact this will be mine and Jason’s first Christmas married. I’m really excited for that. I had so much fun putting up the 5 fall decorations I have, that I can’t wait to decorate OUR house for Christmas. It’s so exciting!! J. And I think the other reason for my Christmas angst is that I’m getting really homesick L. I was all ready to get out of Placerville. I was born in Pollock Pines and the farthest I ever move in 18 years was once to Somerset and then to *gasp* Diamond Springs. Lol needless to say I was very bored of Placerville and being in a TINY city..if you can call it a city.

Anyway I’m ready to head back home and start our life up there. I’m sick of the city. I have never been able to get used to the crowds, the noise, and the general sense of being crowded all the time! I mean there are some good things about it to…grocery store within WALKING distance..a Mall, IKEA, 3 Walmarts, 2 Targets, 3 Ross’s, Burlington Coat Factory, and any eating place you can imagine within 10 minute. Oh AND

Disneyland 40 minutes away :D. But there is nothing like living in the country and I’m readying to get back to that. I really want to raise our kids up there where they can build a fort in the backyard, climb trees, and just have fun. I want a BIG yard and one day maybe a pool ;). I just pray that God leads us back up there soon! But for now, I am extremely content with where we are. I LOVE my classes and I love my job! We are apart of a church that is simply amazing. We can really feel God moving and big things happening. God lead us to the best church for us and we feel so blessed.

Anyway, all that to say, IM READY FOR CHRISTMAS!!! I’m ready for the smell of gingerbread cookies, I’m ready to decorate sugar cookies, I’m ready for the smell of pine, the opening of presents, being with our family whom we love, cold weather and hot tea, I’m ready to celebrate the birth of our Lord.

I’m just excited. That’s all. And I can’t wait for the next few months. Our first Christmas married :D I'm looking forward to starting some great new traditions of our own.

Anyone else excited for Christmas?!?

-Mrs. Balmet

"This is how the birth of Jesus Christ came about: His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be with child through the Holy Spirit....But after he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, "Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus,[a] because he will save his people from their sins." Matthew 1:18-25

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