

Digital Scrapbooking

So as most of you know, I LOVE to scrapbook. It is one of my favorite hobbies and I could never have too much scrapbooking stuff. I wish we could get a two bedroom apartment and turn the extra bedroom into my scrapbooking room! Hehe which I eventually will have! But just ask my husband, he think's I have waaay too much scrapbooking stuff now as it is.

Anyway I have recently been playing around with digital scrapbooking, which I am thus far no good at! lol but I try and I love every minute of it. I made this one last night playing around with some cool kits I downloaded. The girls and I had so much fun making our daisy cake that didn't really end up looking like a daisy haha.
Anyway I thought I would share with you the awsome digital scrapbooking sites I found! I found great FREE kits on all of these websites!
4. (There are a TON of fun hybrid projects on this website!!)

Anyone know any other awsome sites? Or regular scrapbooking sites? I love those to! haha.

Mrs. Balmet

"In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth". Genesis 1:1
Speaking of creativity; God is the original artist. It amazes me how he made all that we see. The hills, the trees, the ocean...everything was from his creativity..WOW!

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