


I am busy working on my new site (set to launch in January if I can get everything done) but wanted to pop over here and share a quick book.

My hubby and I have been reading a chapter every night from Humility: True Greatness by C.J. Mahaney.
{Go to the Amazon link above and you can read the first few pages}

It's a small book with a powerful message. The Lord has been really showing me my pride the past few weeks and it's a hard lesson to learn. But it's a lesson that we all need to learn, especially me right now! The Lord always knows what he is doing even if what we are walking through seems tough *sigh*.

I am learning that He has some things to teach me right now. Ahem, true humility.

Go get this book. Now. It's great and will tear you up and convict you of your prideful sin.

C.J. defines Biblical humility as "honestly assessing ourselves in light of God's holiness and our sinfulness."

Wow. Yup, when looking at that I am very prideful and need to desperately learn the lesson of humility. I'm working on it.

Note: I was not compensated for this in any way, I just really love the book and wanted to share!

1 comment:

  1. How exciting - a new site! I know how that difficult transition goes :-). How's everything coming with it? Do you have a theme? Btw, we have that book, and yes, it is a good one! Hope your weekend is a Christmassy one :-)


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