

10 Day You Challenge: 4 Books

4 Books

What? Just 4? This is hard, I Love to read!
This is a list that I'm sure could vary from day to day. 

1)The Excellent Wife ~Martha Peace
A must read for every woman! Martha so beautifully lays out the scripture concerning how to be a sister, daughter, wife, and mother. Warning: This book will seriously convict you and make you realize time and again how sinful we can be. It's great!! :)

2)Practicing Hospitality ~Patricia Ennis & Lisa Tatlock
A beautiful picture of what hospitality looks like. It's not a big beautiful perfectly arranged house but rather a heart for serving others and being obedient to God's word and His Kingdom. Another must read!

3) John MacArthur-I can't pick just one of his books so I'm listing him as an author instead! :)
Anything by MacArthur is so Biblically sound and extremely readable. He has authored such classics as Twelve Extraordinary Woman, The MacArthur Study Bible, Fundamentals of the Faith, and too many more to list. 

4) Lord of the Rings Trilogy
I'm a BIG fiction fan so I had to throw at lease one in here. GREAT books and great movies! :)

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