

My Dream Kitchen

As I dream of one day owning my own home, I have started collecting pictures and ideas what my "dream" home would be...and it is so fun! I know that one thing I will be the most concerned about will be the kitchen. I spend so many hours in there how could I not be!

The kitchen in my house growing up always seemed to be the hub of everything going on. We would all hang around the kitchen island while my mom made her famous chicken and dumplings. I dream of my kitchen being the same sort of place for my kids and family.

Recently I was on Pinterest, as I usually am these days, and came across these adorable kitchen nooks! And I know that I want to make this a reality in my future home. It doesn't have to be fancy or amazing, but rather cozy and warm for my family. 

Lord willing I would love to build one of these in a corner of my kitchen. Where my husband could have his eggs before setting off to work and regular conversations could happen. We would of course need a larger dining room table around the corner but this would sit right in the middle of everything. I could be at the stove while  the kids read me their stories from this comfy little corner. day...Lord day.

Now on to the pictures!!!
This is the first nook that I came across that took my breath away!

Oh and this one made me go from dreaming about it to wanting to make it a reality! In our future home shopping I plan on looking for a home with a spot for my kitchen nook! 
LOVE these colors!

Dreaming of my dream home helps me to save so much money!!! :)

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