

Kitchen Themed Cake

I am starting a new job on Monday and have been trying to wrap up everything for my current job. So I've been a bit busy and my blogging has fallen off a bit. However, I plan to jump back into full blogging again :) I miss it dearly!

This past weekend I entered a cake into the L.A. County Fair Cake competition. I entered into the novelty cake division  I will find out on Saturday if I placed at all. I made a kitchen themed cake and had so much fun!!
Click on the picture to make it bigger to see more details

This is along the outer edge

My favorite part of this cake is the little electrical outlet! :) (And the kitchen aid!)

Thanks to all the lovely ladies on who gave me wonderful inspiration on this cake!! 


  1. AMAZING! I hope you win! I totally wish you lived closer. I would have you make cakes all the time.

    A girl I'm leading is about to be married and for her bridal shower I wanted to make a butt cake (Butt of a pair of jeans). Her last name is currently Butt and she will be so thrilled to get rid of it! So since I am not very artistic and had like no time at all in my schedule, I had to get a standard cake, adding a photo of the butt of jeans and with icing wrote on the bottom "Kiss Your Butt Good-bye! Everyone loved the pun.

    Keep up the great work. You are amazing at what you do and I just love seeing all your creative work!

  2. Thanks for coming by to visit my blog- it was great to have you! This cake is VERY impressive, I love all the details! You're quite talented!

  3. Wow!! This is so impressive!! Great job :-)

  4. Hi nice job on the cake. I wish, I could make a cake like yours. My son's birthday is coming in October and your work is creative.

    Jyla's Three Of Us Giveaway


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