

Tea Party

I have been so busy the past few weeks. First we had my two sisters at our house for the weekend for a "Homemakers Weekend" which was simply wonderful! We packed the weekend full of baking, cooking, sewing, chatting, shopping and a beautiful lunch at a tea parlor. It was wonderful! They were with us for the week then our whole family joined us for the next weekend and now our brother is staying with us for a week.

It has been a wonderful time but I have been so busy. I don't think I have gotten a thing done the last 2-3 weeks. But that's okay, we have had some wonderful time! So today I thought I would share some pictures of our wonderful day at the tea parlor.
We got to wear beautiful hats and had a lovely tea time. I can't wait to go again!

I have the most beautiful sisters!

Shelise pouring her tea :)

 Sienna with her tea :)

Everything was so wonderful!

LOVED the hats...I need to get me some of those!

B for our late name: Balmet :)

Okay I am done with picture overload now. We had a wonderful homemaking weekend and I'll share more later of what else we did :)

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