

Pink Rose Cake

I have been very MIA lately but it is because I have been so busy. I have been working on some very fun cakes and experimenting with some fun new things. I will of course be posting pictures about these new fun projects. But for now I just want to share what I was working on last week. I love this Rose technique.

This cake was for an anniversary party. It is a nice vanilla cake inside with yummy strawberry filling and a cream cheese frosting.

Personally I would have loved to see this cake completely covered in the beautiful! But the customer wanted writing on top. It turned out very nice. 

My next project that I am working on this week is a strawberry shaped cake and so far it is looking good. I will post pictures later. But here's a little sneak peek:
So nothing I can do will make this picture the right side weird. I tried saving it in different formats and uploading it as a URL from photobucket. Hm....sorry it's side ways :)


  1. GORGEOUS!!!! You are so talented!!!

    Hope you're having a wonderful week,

  2. Oh my those roses are gorgeous!! What tip did you use? It looks stunning.


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