

What I'm Loving this week

This has been a busy busy week for me so far. I have two graduation cakes that need to be done by tomorrow night and a baby shower cake for Friday. I'm having so much fun but haven't had much time for blogging. 

So today I leave you with a few things I have loving this week! 

Okay I know, I am probably the last one to jump on this band wagon {I've been in the kitchen baking!!} but I am in LOVE with Pinterest so far. I haven't done much with it yet but I'm sure I will giving updates to that soon. How have I not know about you before?!

2) My Friend Kristin's NEW website.
Check it out HERE. She's adorable :)

3) These 2 NEW Cricut Cartridges just released

Theses are next on my cricut wishlist!! 

I NEED an excuse to try these out!! How cute. These would be fun for a boy's birthday party...if anyone is interested :)
Angry Birds cupcake toppers

5)This Beautiful blue and white cake. Perfect for a wedding. 
This is next on my list to try out. Stunning. 
Laced, frilled and fancy.

Okay I've got cakes on the brain :) Heading home to bake now. My first graduations cakes will be showing up on here in the next few days. Stay tuned :)


  1. Wow! You're taking off with the cake decorating! 3 cakes! Are they all paying customers? I'm glad you enjoy it. I think it would be too stressful for me:)
    I've got to check out pinterest--never heard of it. Angry birds--how crazy--that really took off, didn't it.
    So, are you listening to John MacArthur teaching tapes while you bake?? What's the Lord been teaching you lately? Any analogies to cake baking?

  2. Ah, can't just look at pinterest, and definitely don't let your guys look at it.
    Just a word to the wise, James.


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