

Successful CVS trip

So I have been couponing now for a few months and I'm really starting to get the hang of it. I am super thrifty and the idea of getting items for free sends me over the moon! We try to save as much as possible because our future goal is that whenever God blesses us with children I will be ready to quite my job and stay at home :) {No, we are NOT trying yet...I'm just saying IF it did happen we would be ready at any time lol}

So in trying to be really frugal I hate spending money on things like toothpaste and deodorant. So yes, couponing has become a love of mine. I started a while ago playing the CVS game. But the first time I went in to stock up on a bunch of Extrabucks, I used my husbands phone number thinking it was linked to our current card. Nope:( It was linked to an old card that I don't have any more. So when I learned that you need your card to scan for coupons in the store I started slowly using the extra bucks I had gotten. 

Then we had a few really slow CVS weeks and I couldn't find any good deals. But this week I am back in the game, I used the right card, and I got some great items! I love seeing the deals that other people get so I'm sharing my couponing deals too. 

And for all you coupon experts, don't laugh. I'm still new!! :)

Total before coupons {this includes store sales}: $50.68
Total after coupons: $25.37
So I saved: $25.31
Wow! I saved 50% on my CVS trip just by using coupons! LOVE THAT!

I received $19.98 in extrabucks. {In case you don't know, extra bucks are used like cash. So next time I go to CVS I have essentially $19.98 to use towards my next purchase}

I am really excited about this trip. And everything I got I can totally use! I did not buy anything useless. I would have had to buy these anyway and would probably bought the cheap store brand. 

So here's what I got: {Sorry for the pictures, I went to CVS on my lunch at work and took these in my car hehe}

1) 1 Colgate Toothpaste
Regular Price: $3.49
On Sale for: $2.79
Coupon for: $1.00/1
OOP {Out of Pocket I paid}: $1.79
Recieved extrabucks: $2.00

My total for Item: -$0.21
$0.21 MoneyMaker!!!

2) John Frieda full repair Root Lift Foam
I love root lifting products but they are always so expensive. I made $3.00 on these puppies!!!

Original price: $7.29
Sale Price: $5.00
Coupon used: $5.00/1
OOP: $0.00
Extrabucks received: $3.00 on one of them.
The extra bucks reward had a limit of one. So I got $3.00 back on one of them but because of my coupons I got all 4 for FREE. 
So in total:
$3.00 MONEYMAKER! {Total for all 4 items}

3)Ban Deoderant 
{I've never used Ban before but it smells pretty!}
Original Price: $3.69
Sale Price: $2.99
Coupon used: $0.75/1
OOP: $2.24
Exrabucks Received: $2.00

My total for item: $0.24
Not bad for a stick of deodorant!

4) Crest Mouth Wash
Original Price: $7.39
Sale Price: $4.50
Coupon used: $2.00/1
OOP: $2.50
Extrabucks recieved: $2.00

My total for item: FREE {each}

5)Exedrin Extra Strength
Regular price: $0.99
OOP: $0.99
Extrabucks received: $0.99

My total for item: FREE {each}

6) Colgate Pulsar Toothbrush
Original Price: $6.99
Sale Price: $6.00
Coupon used: $3.00/1
OOP: $3.00
Extrabucks received: $3.00

My total: FREE {Each}

So it was a good CVS trip this week. I also got a few other things that I used coupons for that were a good deal. 

So if you are new to couponing then the next step is to use my extrabucks. I'll wait until there are more good extrabucks deals. I will bring my extrabucks and use them for more extrabucks. So for example, with the deal today I could have used extrabucks to cover my out of pocket and then I would have paid $0 and then got $20 extrabucks. If you plan these shops very strategically then you can keep the extra bucks rolling!

I'll let you know how this next week goes. Did you find any amazing deals this week? Do share!


  1. Wow, you did pretty good! I have recently gotten back into couponing too. Unfortunately, we don't have a CVS close enough to us anymore to go there regularly :-( But I have been finding some pretty amazing deals at Walgreens, too.

    Couponing is addicting! You really get a rush when you get a great deal

  2. I love couponing but am still very new at it so it's always encouraging to hear success stories! I'm your newest follower and hope you'll follow me back at

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