

My First Fondant Two Tiered Cake

I have been a busy baker lately so I guess this week is Cake week here at Intentionally Living. I made two cakes this week and one last week. And I just got an order {My first official order!!!!} for a cake for Friday.

Now the cake I am about to show you was a complete experiment. And while it tasted delicious it's not the most beautiful. But that's okay...I'm learning :) I have worked with Fondant once before and it was to make two small flowers. That's it. That's my experience with fondant. So this weekend I tackled the challenge of making homemade fondant. And it was actually really easy. Using the fondant on the other hand is a bit trickier.

This was also my first two tiered cake. I have never made one or seen on made. But the Internet is a wonderful thing and I read a few tutorials and tried it out. I am very happy with the result. I now know how to make a two tiered cake :)
Here is my first fondant two tiered cake!

It's a but lumpy and may have tore in a few places...but I am learning. And last night I tackled my second fondant cake and it came out much better. I'll post pictures of that cake later. 

And the filling I made was a blackberry filling and it was Amazing! I love it. The purple filling is what inspired the purple fondant. 

Now my order for Friday is to make something Chocolaty but I'm on my own for making it. I love having creative freedom but I'm a but nervous. I will definitely post what I come up with. 


  1. Beautiful! Congratulations! :)

  2. James,
    That cake is so amazing! I would never believe it was your first of its kind. My niece's wedding cake was a fondant cake. That was the first time I'd ever heard of one.

    I think your cakes all look so delicious, and beautiful. How much are you charging for the one on Friday? I'm sure that you will come up with something delicious for your first order (congratulations on getting your first order, James)! What are you doing with all your practice cakes? Practicing hospitality? Wish I lived closer:)
    (Some day we really have to meet in person.)


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