

Easter Treats

In November I made my Hubby some cup cake bites from Bakarella to take into his office and since then at every Holiday he asks me to make them. 

So I made some colorful one's for Easter. 

I used pink, purple, and yellow Wilton candy melts for the tops and milk chocolate for the bottoms. 

I also made colorful insides! This was my favorite part!
I actually had three inside colors. I made pink cake as shown above and green and yellow cake. I didn't get a picture of the green and yellow :( Everyone in Hubby's office had a fun time biting into them and being surprised by different colors!

These are perfect to tailor to the season.
At Valentine's Day I made these
These had yummy red velvet cheesecake insides! Yuuuumy!!

And my all time favorite are the ones I made for Thanksgiving
I love chocolate and peanut butter! For these one's I made chocolate cake with chocolate frosting for the inside's and had peanut butter Wilton candy melts and Reese's Peanut Butter Pieces on top. Mmmm!

I need some peanut butter now....

Happy Easter

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