

Homemaker's Handbook Link Up!

It's time for the Homemaker's Handbook Link up!

This week we have covered so much! 
From how to assemble the binder to free downloads to put inside. 
See all this weeks posting HERE

But now it is your turn to show us what you have come up with! 

Show off your handbooks or downloads or lists or any other fun things you have come up with. 

We love to be creative but sometimes we just really need some inspiration from others! 

So Ladies, lets (show off just a little) and inspire each other. 

Link to a post or photo and let us know how your daily life works. 

So grab my button and link back to us on your site so others can show off their handbooks as well! 

Homemaker's Month of Helpful How To's

1 comment:

  1. Hi James!
    I love it all!! I apologize that I am just now coming by and seeing your Homemaker's Month of How To's! I am really slow, though! Could I have more time?? Could you extend your deadline or do this link-up again sometime? I am really slow at stuff like this, and if I want to make it look nice, I have to think about it a lot?
    Wow, yours is amazing! I am very impressed, and I don't need to ask what you've been doing with your time! I had something like this, but MUCH simpler, years ago--just a 3" 3-ring notebook, with tabbed pocket separators (and probably should do it again--I use more separate notebooks for different categories now). I absolutely love all the downloads, and DARLING decorated forms--you have gone to SO MUCH WORK, girl! I'm going to try to find some time today to check out your downloads--they are really wonderful!
    Thank you for helping people so much, and putting your whole heart into everything you do! You are a gem and such a gift from the Lord!
    P.S. Have you ever thought of doing a workshop in your area with this? It would be great!


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