

Hapy Birthday to my Hubby!

It's my Hubby's 23rd Birthday today!!

Happy Birthday my sweet. I love you so much...You are the joy of my life and I do not know what I would do without you.

I am SO very proud of you. You work so hard to provide for us. Thank you so much!

He is so handsome!! :)

I Love You Baby. Happy Birthday!


  1. wow your husband is only 23? he looks much older than that! happy birthday to him!

  2. Aw happy birthday to him! My husband had his birthday yesterday! and my cousin's is tomorrow!

  3. Happy Birthday to him! My husband is turning 24 on the 23rd of December. I always want to do something special for him but have so little ideas because it is so close to Christmas and we have to take so much time off work to spend with family already. Hopefully this year I can come up with a really good idea. Anyone else have any suggestions?


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