

Homemakers Challenge: My Creative Cupcake

Today marks the first Homemaker's Challenge hosted by Amy Bayliss

The first of many challenges to come is to make a unique and creative cupcake that expresses who you are.

This is what I came up with
Chocolate Peanut Butter Mini Cupcake Bites

These express who I am because
I Love Fall! I love decorating for fall and I love finding fun ways to express the season with food!

♥ I am not the biggest regular cupcake fan but these are perfect for me! They are bite sized and oh so moist and gooey inside.

♥ My last and biggest reason that these express who I am is that these are a fun holiday tradition. I am always on the hunt for great tradition ideas that I can make with our kids one day. These are the perfect dessert for little ones to decorate and I look forward to many holidays spent in the kitchen with my children letting them craft their own little perfect bite sized treat.

In case it's hard to tell from the photo these little wonders are made with a cake and frosting gooey center  with a chocolate base and peanut butter top and topped off with cute leaf sprinkles and a peanut butter Reese's pieces to top it all off.

The Ingredients

I got this adorable recipe from Bakerella {Which is very ironic since this week's prize for the challenge is her new book which I have.been.drooling.over}

Head on over to Amy's site HERE  to check out all the other great cupcake entries and to do an entry of your own!

{Encourage me judges!}


  1. Oh those look awesome! Fall is my favorite season, too!
    Unfortunately, peanut butter is a no no because my 5 year old is allergic to peanuts. (I do hide a jar of peanut butter to indulge in while he's sleeping. Not the whole jar, just a PBJ sandwich, lol)
    Good job! They look wonderful!!!

  2. those turned out adorable! nice work : )

  3. Oh those look so good! I love chocolate and peanut butter!

    Virginia @

  4. These are adorable, and perfect for fall! Love them :-)

  5. Oh wow! We may have to try those!

  6. How cute! The cupcakes and the fact that you guys call each other "hubby and wifey", we do too! Look forward to getting to know you better through the other challenges.


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