

Praise the Lord for What He HAS Given Us

For 31 days I am committing to Praise the Lord through all things. Go HERE to see my first post about it.

Today over at Extravagant Grace eLisa posted about the today's Praise Challenge. And this is one I could
type forever about. But I'll try and keep this post short.

Lately we have been talking about Praising the Lord in the midst of challenges and suffering and how important it is to remember him in all the seemingly bad moments.

But...what about the good moments?

All too often we even forget to give God all the glory even in the truly amazing things.

We get so wrapped up in the everyday walk of life that we forget to look back over the years and see how God has molded and shaped our journeys.

Today I am rejoicing and praising God for all that he has done for my husband and I.

Most of you know that my husband and I got married young. I was 19 and he was 21. Yikes! I know..but it was all God's plan and we couldn't be more happy now. Truly.

I never imagined getting married so young. I scoffed at those getting married so young thinking they were immature and it "would never last". Ouch. Those are the same things we heard when God called us together at the alter. But that is not what this post is about.

This post is about praising God for being patient with his sinful creatures and molding us day by day.

It is insane to me to think that my Husband and I have been married for one year and 3 1/3 months.

God has directed each step of our journey and we have gone from poor struggling college students, to not so poor students, to not so so poor college graduates and Lord willing whats next for us is kids, a house, and years spent homeschooling and building our family.

There were many points along the way we could have ignored His calling for us. We could have gone different paths but God gave us the strength to listen to His commands and He guided each and every one of our steps thus far.

God is so good and we are so excited to see what God has in store for us in the future.

I am praising God today for knowing all things and working them out for the good of all those who believe {James1:2-4}

Lord thank you. I praise you this day for your Sovereign Divine will. I praise you for being so gracious to your creatures and having patience with 2 people who can be so stubborn. I praise you this day and give thanksgiving for all things you have given us.

What do you have to Praise God for this day?


  1. I love to hear testimony of God working in the lives of married couples. Thank you for sharing this!

  2. What a wonderful, uplifting praise report. A marriage that is working sweetly is definitely worthy of praise! Thank you, Jesus!


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