

Hair Accessory Winner and ANOTHER Giveaway!

Hey thanks to everyone who entered into the Sister's Sweet Creations Giveaway!

We have a winner!! 

TopHat from The Bee in Your Bonnet has won! 

Her favorite item is the 2 piece Halloween hair clip set

Go HERE to get your very own clip set!

AND if you didn't win then don't worry because I am offering another chance to win a cute accessory! 

My adorable friend Ria is hosting a giveaway for me over at her blog Life as a Wife

Check out the super cute item she picked out! 
An adorable brown and pink flower headband. Head over HERE to enter for your own chance to win any one item from my shop!


  1. Congratulation for the winner
    I'll check out Ria's blog

    Citra @ innocentia


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