

Great Weekend!

Okay I know it's Tuesday and I'm just now posting about the weekend..but I've been busy! haha

This weekend we got the change to go home for the weekend! Our family lives about 500 miles away from us and we can't make that trip too often. We havn't been home since Christmas so we were very excited!
It was a short trip but we had so much fun!

Here are just a couple pictures of our amazing families!!! I can't wait until we can move back home near them :)

Yeah...that's LITTLE brothers are ALL taller than me now :)

Notice our fancy headbands in the picture above? YEAH we made them :)

Look out later today or tomorrow for some more fun pictures of our headbands!


  1. Sweet photos, Jami! Thanks for your comments! Yes, we did have a busy, but wonderful weekend.
    So exciting about your Etsy store!

  2. I DID notice all you're great headbands! :-) There are those sister in laws that look like you again! Ha! Thanks for your sweet comments and visiting my "home tour". You should link up this month b/c we're all dying to see your new place! And don't worry if there are boxes around - we've all been there.


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