

We Moved This Weekend!

We just moved this weekend and are soo happy with our new bigger apartment :)

After having found the perfect apartment for us in a great location we have had some trouble moving in.

We signed out lease and got everything ready. A week before moving in I called the apartment place to ask a small question when they informed me that we would not be able to move in the day we wanted or the apartment we had already signed the lease for. What?!? And instead we couldn't move in for another week What? I already told my current apartment place we are moving out on that date and they were switching us to another apartment What? I already had our address changed in a lot of places...we provobly have stuff in the mailbox already..I mean...we are moving in a WEEK.

Okay okay okay so after all that we are finally moved in this weekend! And in the end I was far too impatient and stressed when God had it in his hands the whole time.

Now we are moving into an apartment that is in a better location and would have normally cost us $200 more a month to rent but they are giving it to us at the same price because of the mix up {even though the apartment is the same floor plan, upstairs and the same in every NO idea why it's more $ haha}.

And we got to actually go away for the weekend and
celebrate our anniversary last weekend instead of moving.                                                                                     

  So the moral of the story: Trust in God in all things. He will deliver and he is always faithful!

BUT the only downside we won't have internet for a few more days. Yikes! So if I'm slow responding to you then just bear with me.

And Yes, I will be posting pictures soon! I love decorating!!


  1. Yay! I am so excited for you! You will have to post pictures once you get all unpacked and organized :)

  2. Big woohoos for all the answers to prayer! (and a little boo for the lack of internet) :-) It's so hard to coordinate everything for a move, isn't it? Sounds like you are settling into a wonderful place though! Can't wait to hear (and see of couse) more about it! Rest well!

  3. Hi Jami! Thank you so much for following my blog! Your blog is precious too! Congratulations on your marriage and new apartment! How Fun!! Have a great week and I really look forward to reading your blog now! :)

  4. Ha! God is always working things out for our favor and we don't even know it! Yay about the new place :)


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