

Should I make the Switch?! Help!

I am thinking of making the switch to Wordpress...

BUT I don't know anything about Wordpress! Ask me to do something in Blogger? No problem! I can figure it out in a minute!

But I want more...and wordpress may be the answer.

Have you made the move? Or thinking about it to? Help me out! Tell me what you think!!

I would love any thoughts you have on this topic!! I'm confused :|

Thanks my lovley readers for helping me with this:)


  1. Hey Jaym :-) I don't have experience w/ WP personally, but I do know several people who have had Blogger, then switched to WP, and wished they hadn't. I think it has some really neat features, but so much of the rest of the world is easier to use with and integrate into Blogger. Plus it has that whole google/blogger connection. - Anyway, that's all I know about the subject! Sorry I can't be of more help. I'll be interested to see the feedback you get so I can understand more of the pros and cons myself... How's the settling in coming?

  2. I have thought about it and might do it someday, but for now I am very happy with Blogger. I have used and hated the blog format so I would have to pay for the .org one and just don't want to spend that money right now.

  3. And it almost seems like the majority of the blogs I visit are Blogger ones too.

  4. I made the switch a LONG time ago. Love WP, but I am also self hosted.

  5. If you leave, please let me know your address! I too used to think about wordpress, but I am having too much trouble staying up to date with my blogger to even think about switching at this time!

  6. Oh I will I promise :) And that's okay I think you are a little busy with something else :) haha. Hope to have you back to blogging a lot more when you are a little less busy!

  7. What exactly does that mean? Is it more expense to self host? haha told you I was cluseless!!

  8. Yeah! That's my dilemma! I don't know exactly how much it will cost...I read about someone who made the switch and then realized it was going to cost a LOT more..I just don't know how much it will all cost. Haha

  9. Hey Krisin! Thanks! I just really love how clean and professional wordpress looks!
    But Yeah I have a lot of thinking to do! And if i open my Esty/Artfire shops then I could do a lot more with wordpress...but we'll see!

    And the coming along. haha. This week was our first real week of relaxing and summer every day after work I had great hopes of getting to work and ended up being lazy every night! haha but it was a great relaxing week!


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