

Our Wonderful Weekend

Here is a recap of our wonderful anniversary weekend. Today is our 1st wedding anniversary and we had a wonderful weekend in Palm Springs celebrating! 

Here are just a few of the photos we took. I gotta get back to packing because we are moving in 5 days! Wow!

The villa that we stayed at! It was so beautiful and the perfect place for a weekend getaway.

Notice my earing necklace? Sweet hubby got them for me :D

The view from our patio..over looking the golf course.

Around our cute little villa! 


  1. Great pics! Thanks so much for sharing Jaym:-) Looks like you had a wonderful time! Great jewelry btw...

  2. Looks like SO much fun :) :) YAY! 1 year already, wow!!!

  3. Congrats on your one year!! Love your earrings and necklace, so beautiful!!! :)


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