

Intentionally Living...My Degree

Welcome to post #5 in my series on Intentionally Living. If this is your first time on my blog or this series then head over HERE to check out my 2010 Word of the Year: Intentional.

Be Intentional. In all things.

This week's Intentionally Living Statement:

I am going to be intentional about my school work. I love it so much not to give it my all.

It's no secret that I am in the middle of my bachelors degree. I am a Biblical Studies and History double major and absolutly love what I learn.

I get tired sometimes. I get busy. I get stressed. I get lazy.

If you have ever been in school any length of time then you probobly know what I mean? Classes can be stressful with papers, tests, reading, working, friends, family, and everything else.

God has placed me in an amazing place with amazing oppurtunities to learn things such as the history of the Ancient Near East and how to speak Hebrew and Greek!!

This year I am trying to be very Intentional about being obedient to where God has placed me and to try and give my schooling my all. I feel God calling me to an amazing Master's program in Biblical Counseling/Biblical Studies and I am trying to be patent and obedient in that calling.

need to get straight A's not because I am a perfectionist {which I often am} but because I know God is calling me to use those grades to get to something more. 

And because of this it is all the more important to really give my classes my all. In my classes I don't sit down and learn boring facts and figures...I'm learning about God and his people and I know how extrememly fortunate I to be having this education.

When I sit down in my classroom each morning I'm learning how to read the Bible in it's original languages!!! Wow! How amazing is that?!?

My prayer for this year is that I don't just sit down each morning and do my work. I don't want to get A's for the sake of A's. I want to learn. I want to gain the knowledge that God has placed in front of me and is calling me to one day use in his ministry {wherever that may be that he places me}.
My goal and my Intentionallity is to glorify God in all things.
"So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God". 1 Corinthians 10:31 {ESV-Emphasis Added}

What has God placed in your life that you are passionate about?


  1. I am right where you are: being intentional about being obedient to where God has placed me! Which I admit, I hadn't been doing so well at prior to this month............

    And you can speak and read in the language that Jesus spoke! What a blessing, privilege, honor. One of the best things that we can do is "grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (2 Peter 3:18)."

  2. What a great goal! I understand how school can get hard and monotonous, even if you really do love your major


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