

Precious Accessories Winner!

And Drum roll please.....

The winner of the $10 giftcard to the Precious Accesories giftcard is LadyVdZine! Congrats!! I wil be emailing you soon :D

Congrats! I hope you love whatever you pick from her store! She has so many amazing things :D

What to look forward to the rest of this week:
A New Recipe (Yummmmmy)
A New blog Design Tutorial (Maybe how to make your own background?!? Sound good?)
My next shpeal (SP?!) on Intentionally Living (NOT being grumpy!)
Questions YOU'VE asked and me answering!!!!

I know, I know. SO exciting! Well just hang in there...the past few days have been VERY busy but I hope to get to these posts very soon!!!

Congrats again to LadyVzDine for winning this wonderful giftcard! Use it well!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jami! I hope you're having a great day. What has your week held so far? I've had a pretty busy one w/ a stamping club meeting on Monday, over to my sister's house for a movie night yesterday, and today Bible Study, wheat grinding, teaching a piano lesson, and after I get off the computer: off to plant some snow peas in my garden! Just thought I'd drop in and say hello! You're upcoming blog posts look exciting :-)


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