

*Be Still and Know that I am God*

Wow..It has been one of those weeks.

One of those weeks when everything seems to be coming down at once. Everything on it's own is manageable..even give me two or three things to juggle. But then there's those weeks when it alls seems to rain down at once.

And now I know how extremely blessed that I am. I have an amazing family and the most wonderful husband that I could EVER ask for. He makes me so happy and I know how truly blessed I am.

But I just get worn out. Some days I just want to scream. Not for any specific reason...just everything. I would love to just scream right now...haha I'm sure everyone at work would appreciate that ;)

But on days like today I have to go to God's word to settle my heart. I feel so anxious. I feel like I need to be doing more. Like if I just work harder, make more money, call my brother more, email my brother more, do something to fix the relationship with my brother, be a better employee, be a wife who never lets dishes pile up or clothes stack up in the laundry basket. If only I could be superwoman. Get everything done and still have money left over so my husband can finally relax when he gets home from work.

I feel that I need to be Super-wife, Super-daughter, Super-sister, Super-employee, Super-student and everything else super! But sometimes it's too much.

This is the point that I need to take my anxiety to God. (Well actually faaaar before this I need to take my problems to him but alas I am a sinner and wait far too long).

We get stuck in our rut of the every day that we forget our Heavenly Father loves us so much more than we can image. He holds us up when we are down. I find myself refreshed when I am in His presence. My soul is at peace when I'm in his word. My whole world comes into perspective.

Now there are many Bible verses I could quote here but I know that you have heard them all. But I was searching for some beautiful pictures with these verses because there is something encouraging about seeing God's word written on God's creation that exemplifies His beauty and majesty!

This is soo beautiful. *Be Still and know that I am God* This is an amazing verse that calms my Spirit. Be still and know that he is in control. Be still and know that God loves you and will always take care of you. Be still. Don't be anxious.
I have no idea whose painting this is but it is beautiful!!! I've never seen it before but I L.O.V.E. it! There's no verse on it but it is sooo pretty :D
Oh now here is an amazing painting. This is by my favorite painter of all time: Thomas Kincade. He is simply amazing!!! This picture is one of my all time favorites!!!!
This painting shows Jesus standing at the front of the house welcoming his sheep inside. This picture is a beautiful portrayal of our relationship with Christ. He is our loving host welcoming us into his home for all eternity. I love the warmth in this photo.
Here is a close up of Jesus
This is of course another Kincade and one of my personal favorites.
My wonderful Daddy went to the world's largest Kincade gallery (located in my hometown of Placerville, CA) and bought me a copy of this photo in an A-ma-zing frame when I was 16. It is now hanging in mine and my husband's bedroom and is the most amazing thing in our home. I love staring at this photo. It is beautiful!

My heart becomes setteled by being reminded of God's love through His word and through art. How does God show you to settle your heart?

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