

Merry Christmas!

Okay so I'm a little late to be wishing Merry Christmas! But I've been on vacation and am just now sitting down to blog after a 2 week break! Yikes! Sorry about that.

But I'm back and ready to get back to blogging. In fact, I am going to try and blog more than ever.

Anyway, a new year is here! 2009 was a fantastic year!!! In 2009 I was continuing to discover living in Los Angeles and in May I married the most amazing man :D. We went to Hawaii for our honeymoon and it was THE most amazing vacation ever! :D Then we spent a great summer settling into our apartment and started a busy, but good, Fall semester of classes.

Now in 2010 we have many things to look forward to! My Hubby is graduating in a few short months and we couldn't be happier! This year he has been working FULL time and going to school FULL time! He is definitely getting worn out! But the end is near and we are so excited! I've said this before but let me brag for a minute ;) My hubby is graduating with honors and is graduating in the top 10% of his class!!!! I'm soo proud of him!!

We will also be celebrating our first year anniversary a week after he graduates. So May is going to be a fun month :D. We are also hoping that he will have a promotion coming in the next few months at work. 2010 is going to bring some large changes for us but I am very excited.

We are also going to be stepping up with our serving. 2009 had a lot of changes what with moving and the wedding and all and thus left little time for other things. One thing that got shoved outta the way was our serving. We tried to serve as much as possible but slowly it becomes a lower priority, NOT good! So we are starting a fresh year and feel very motivated to serve our Lord to the best of our ability! I am hoping God uses us in great ways this year! And I am already starting to feel him stretching me and calling us to do things that are definitely out of our comfort zone. But alas, this is the way you learn! Prayer would be must appreciated as we start out this year!

Also in Fall semester, Jason's oldest sister and brother are most likely moving down here to L.A.!!! They will be about 30-60 minutes away from us!!! :D we are so excited to have our family so close to us again! Praise the Lord for how things like this work out.

What are you looking forward to this year? Many changes?

Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!!!

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