

The Community of Christ

Wow! I am blown away by the Christian Community's response to the disaster in Haiti. It seems like every time I turn around another school, church, or organization is collecting food, money, and supplies to send to the Haitians. I have seen countless blogs raising resources and awareness of this disaster.

I heard that even this morning there was an aftershock in Haiti to the earthquake that struck a week ago yesterday. This is a devastation that keeps on striking!

My prayer is that when a disaster like this happens the Christian community will rise up and take care of the needs of those victims. This is exactly what I have seen the past week or so. Christians are rising up and taking care of each other. God calls us to have compassion and to help those who need it.

One place that I have really seen this happen is at my Church, Foothill Church. On Sunday we took an offering, above and beyond our normal tithing, to send to the victims in Haiti. Today I received an email from our Pastor stating that we raised $4500 in just one Sunday. Keep in mind that we have only an average attendance of about 400-600 people on a given Sunday. This is exactly the kind of response that God's people should have to a disaster like this.

I feel God moving within our Church and can feel great things he has in store for us! I feel so blessed that he has brought us to this church. And while many of you know I feel less than enthused about attending APU and have many times wished I had picked another school. However it's times like these that God reminds be of his sovereignty and I begin to glimpse His ever working moving in my life. God knows us and he knows what we need.

I want to encourage you to find a church that you can regularly attend. Being part of a Church family is so essential to your walk as a Christian that there is never an excuse big enough to not be regularly involved. Being part of a Church family is an amazing experience and whether you are in high school, college, or beyond I want to encourage you that it is never too late to jump into a church. Get to know God's family, you'll be amazed at how He works through them!

"All they asked was that we should continue to remember the poor, the very thing I was eager to do." Galatians 2:10

"If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him? Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth." 1 John 3:17-18

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