

The Simple Women's Daybook # 4

A day late but here goes:

If you want to join in head on over to The Simple Women's Daybook

FOR TODAY..December 8 (7th), 2009

Outside my window...Sunny but COLD!

I am thinking...How peaceful this little moment is that I can just sit and blog :)

I am thankful for...discovery Digital Scrapbooking. I have so much fun with it! And was able to make a boring presentation this morning fun! Well fun to make anyway ;)

From the learning rooms...Ancient flood stories and their relationship with the Biblical account

From the kitchen...Grilled chicken with's still being formulated haha

I am wearing...My new pink's very bright haha, jeans, and my new black boots which I LOVE!

I am creating...A presentation on Ancient Flood stories. Or at least I was creating it this morning.

I am going...home in a few hours to work on some papers!

I am reading...Many, many, many books on Ancient Near East.

I am hoping...That I have a little energy this next week with finals

I am hearing...Normal office sounds

Around the house...things are looking a lot like Christmas :D

One of my favorite things...A warm cup of coffee or hot chocolate on a freezing day!

A few plans for the rest of the week...The HUBBY'S Birthday!!!! Soo excited!

Here is picture for thought I am sharing...
During our quick trip up to the Sac area to visit our family we wanted to take our Christmas pictures. so we decided to head up to Apple Hill and eneded up at the place we got married :D The pictures turned out great! It's so beautiful up there!!


  1. How cute you two are. I love the jacket!

  2. Why thank you! It's funky but I love it! lol

  3. awww that's a cute picture. I love that area! Wish I could have spent more time with you. :) Maybe over christmas break!!

  4. Yes Amy Definitly!!!!!!! COffee maybe?!? Mmmmmm!!!!


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