

The Simple Women's Daybook # 1

Well I found something new and fun to do. It's called The Simple Women's Daybook.

This meme is supposed to be on Mondays but since I just found it I will do the first one today.

Here goes:

FOR TODAY..From Jami's Daybook

Outside my window...Warm sunny November day in Southern California

I am much I am enjoying this coffee I'm sipping!

I am thankful for...My Wonderfuly Husband

From the kitchen...Chicken Stirfry

I am wearing...A new black dress with red shoes and a red headband

I am creating...An advent calendar and working on my own blog designs. This blue design was made by me :) Not the header though

I am going...Home to Placerville next weekend!

I am reading...Deuterenomy 5

I am hoping...For some cool weather soon

I am hearing...Typing

Around the house...Christmas decorations are screaming to be put up!!

One of my favorite things...Reading a great book with a hot cup of tea in front of the fire

A few plans for the rest of the week: 2 massive papers due next week for the same teacher (2 different classes). Then packing to go home for thanksgiving!! Oh and buying me an alarm clock..I keep sleeping through my phone alarm :(

Hereis my picture of the day: My New Headband :) I love it! I just got my bangs cut last week and ever since I've been in LOVE with headhands!

If you want to join in go to this link:


  1. So cute! I love that headband! And hey...that office looks familiar ;) Xoxo!

  2. Thanks Tiffany :)
    A few feet to the right and this could be the background of one of your pictures! haha


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