

The Simple Woman's Daybook # 2

FOR TODAY...November 23
Outside my window...Darkness and my balcony.
I am dead my brain is after a full weekend and know full afternoon of writing papers..a brief rest then off to class from 7:30 until 10:30 :( ick
I am thankful Wonderful family!! I am so excited to see all our family again! It's been too long. Our first Thanksgiving married :D
From the kitchen...Eh. Not too much. Jason actually made lunch and dinner today :( I've been a busy wife today!
I am wearing...Jeans, CBU tshirt, and pink sweatshirt with my comfy so comfy!
I am creating...homemade advent calendar's a much larger project that I first realized. Hopefully finishing it tomorrow.
I am class in an hour. Love the class, hate the time it's at.
I am reading...a TON of books on Ancient Near Eastern myths concerning the Great Flood...I LOVE this subject! (It's for a paper by the way..but I do Love it)
I am hoping...To get some good sleep tonight.
I am hearing...Friends (the show) in the background
Around the house...things are clean! We went on a cleaning spree this weekend! Our apartment is beauitful! haha
One of my favorite things...Hot Tea on cold nights
A few plans for the rest of the week: Thanksgiving!!! We are leaving Wednsday evening. Unfortuniyl we cannot leave until after my Hebrew Lab at 5:20. Ick then an 8 hour drive!
Here is picture for thought I am sharing...(add your picture here)
Okay well three pictures...I'm reminicing about Thanksgiving!!!
The Hubby and I*Thanksgiving 2008
Thanksgiving 2008 at the Balmet's
Thanksgiving 2008 at the Sherman's

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